Sydney Laurel - 4 years old
My little Skittle Bug! She is a fire cracker, bursting with energy, loves to talk, loves to dance, sharp as a tack, loves to ask questions, remembers everything, loves her brother with all her heart, loves her mommy and daddy, snuggles with Lucy, chained to her blanky, sucks down her juice, loves to eat edamame beans, chicken with bbq, rice and of course Happy Meals! She takes ballet classes and attends preschool. She is our darling first born and she means everything to me. I hope you enjoy reading about the crazy things she says, does and how she drives me nuts! Love you skittle!
Sweet baby Jack Jack. Our Jack has had quite the first year of life. After many many many sleepless nights, crying for hours, doctor after doctor after doctor we learned that Jack had some serious medical issues. He was diagnosed with Asthma in October and a swallow disorder called pharyngeal dysphagia; in english means all those parts in your thoart that help you swallow aren't working together to help him swallow liquids. He was regularly choking and aspirating into his lungs - I know it was horrible! We now use thickeners for his bottles and he is still under the care of the Children's Hospital. We hope this is something he out grows soon! Now that Jack is healthy he is a very active little guy that loves to dance! He chases his sister around the house and the two of them together provide enough entertainment to keep us laughing all night!
Trent & Katie aka Mommy & Daddy
Trent and I met in college and I knew at that moment we would be together always! Married in Oct of 2005 we welcomed our first baby Sydney in May 2007 and Jack in March of 2010. We've had many many many bumps in our road but so far 2011 feels great! Trent learned late in 2010 that he suffers from Celiac Disease. You will find some post under my Gluten Free page. It's tough to make a life long change, especially when you LOVE beer, but we are making our way. We recently started our own construction company called Sydson Green Construction, LLC. We know it's going to be a slow start but hope one day our company is our only business. We love to remodel our house and you will see many posts on our projects. This family loves sports, laughing, dancing and having a good time. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy our stories.
Hello Kitty Party
4 days ago