

Oct 27, 2011

I know it's been a long time - 
I've been a busy busy mama. 
I have something exciting coming up and 
will be sharing soon. 

Here is a sneaky peek...

Any guesses?

Sep 17, 2011

Can't sleep- Party Music edition

Sydney woke me up at 4am today and I've been up since. I have this horrible disease that prevents me from falling asleep after waking up. It's called restless mind syndrome. You may have heard of restless leg syndrome, this is much worse. I lay awake, toss and turn, trying to fall asleep but, I just think of everything that is coming up for the day. Like today. We are having a large family get together (future post) - so I just think of my checklist of things to do. So at 5:15am I finally gave in and got up. Brewed a pot of coffee and turned on the computer. I decided I needed to update my ipod and download some new tunes. Music is a essential part of a party, without which awkward silence is well just, awkward. Plus my kids LOVE music, especially dance beats, they boogie! T told me the other day he liked some Katy Perry songs - is that weird? - and I've been rocking to that Hello song and the new Britters (guilty pleasure). Listen, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. If you hire and dj, for say a wedding, or a large event, and no one is on the dance floor, CHANGE THE SONG!  I love to dance, I love classic songs, I love to boogie and shake my tooty so it is always a complete let down when the dj keeps playing the same dribble over and over and over. Annoying! So here are some new songs I downloaded in my early morning itunes fest...
1. Good Life, One Republic
2. Hello, Martin Solveig & Dragonette
3. Party Rock Anthem, LMFAO
4. Firework, Katy Perry
5. Forget You, Cee Lo Green
6. I wanna Go, Britney Spears
7. Rolling in the Deep, ADELE
Not bad for 5am huh?
Other songs on the party play list - Michael Jackson - duh - he also happens to be Jack's favorite to dance to! Black Eyed Peas, Talking heads (my bro in law would be proud) Usher, Sly, Al Green, Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder - see a good mix of it all! It should be a great party! I'll give you all the deats soon.

And a early morn shout out to my CSU family - GO RAMS! Beat those lame ass Buffs!!

And if you could give me some early morn love and vote you'd be my BFF! 

Today I'm #52 - SO CLOSE - come on keep doing what you do - click it!
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Sep 15, 2011

Neighbor wars part 2

:sigh: It has happened.

:bigger sigh: Snotrod has waged war.

Earlier this summer I told you about our lovely neighbor that we affectionately dubbed Snotrod. Read Neighbor Wars part I to refresh your memory.

It has been no secret that I despise him with the depths of my soul. He is rank. Actually rank really isn't harsh enough. Vial? No even that is too nice. It's not enough that he is still launching his rockets, parading around in his beer belly uniform, stealing our trash (more on that) and generally oozing negativity on the whole block. But now...

Over the summer he started doing something that is just plain making me crazy. He is waving "Hi" to me. It's actually pretty genius on his part, the ole kill em' with kindness gag. Gag! Ha! So when I walk to the mail box or drive by he extends his arm out, twinkles his fingers, and says real high pitch "hellllllllllo". I just either look away (vomit) or mumble, hi. I guess I wasn't too subtle in my hatred - was the sign I carry that says go to hell to obvious? Jerk now stares me down as I pass his house. Crap. Now I look like the ass. How did that happen?

And another thing... he is social with the other neighbors. What is wrong with them? He is toxic, he is dangerous, he is a felon. Stay away! Don't encourage him. We need him gone not feeling nice and rosey! Ugh.

This morning he was out front collecting his trash cans - trash cans that he stole from OUR TRASH one day (oh yes) - and he was wearing a top coat (shocked he owns one) shorts and no shirt. He glared at me - I glared at him. My hate is palpable. I may or may not have placed a secret phone call to the NSA suspecting a terrorist plot is being hatched in his home. Ok. Not really but I fantasize about doing that.

I'm not really sure what to do. Sydney knows full and well to stay away from him. Our nanny knows to stay away. The next time the cops are there, which is typically every 6 weeks or so, I am going to demand some information. I want to know what his deal is.

I really like our house but he just may be the reason I insist we move someday.

So until a gigantic meteor lands on his house, or rouge missile I am stuck with him.


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Sep 13, 2011


Saw this today on Just Another Manic Momday - I liked it - so I'm going to do it too. Read on.

A - Z

a. age - 31 - I should feel lucky but everyone always thinks I am in my early 20s

b. bed size - Queen supreme - and we really need a new bigger bed!

c. chore you hate - BATHROOMS, HATE em!

d. dogs - Lovely Lucy. Miss you Murph!
Murphy a.k.a. big bubba

e. essential start to your day - coffee, lots and lots of coffee
Source: None via Katie on Pinterest

f. favorite color - blue

g. gold or silver - how about white gold?

h. height - 5'3"
Source: via Kim on Pinterest

i. instruments you play - sort of play the piano, used to play marimba and drums in school

j. job title - Project Manager

k. kids - Sydney and Jackson

l. live - South of Denver

m. maiden name - Dugan

n. nicknames - Kate, Kit-Kat, Mama, Doogie

o. overnight hospital stays - just for my kids

p. pet peeve - this list is long. Biting nails, not using a tissue, crappy drivers, gossip queens, shitty service, cold food, flat beer, dirty floors, when the bagger at the grocery store squishes my bread...this list could go on and on and on...

q. quote
Source: None via Katie on Pinterest

r. righty or lefty - righty

s. siblings - L - R - A

t. time you wake up - usually 6:15am (thanks Jack)

u. university attended - Colorado State University

v. vegetables you dislike - Peas

w. what makes you run late - last minute details and when my hubs leaves me with no gas.

x. x-rays you've had - several of my back, several of my teeth and one of my ankle.

y. yummy food - anything Italian and fried.

z. zoo animal favorite - polar bear. always was my favorite.
Source: via Judy on Pinterest

Oh one more thing - please vote - I'm slipping! Please help me get into top 50 Mommy Blogs.
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Sep 9, 2011

Clothing wars

Having a baby is amazing! When you first learn you are having a girl it is even better! You start to shop, oh the outfits are so cute! She is born and everyday is like dress up! It is so fun! You don't even care that you are doing laundry all day because each outfit is so fun to see on them!

Then she turns 1, even better, the clothes now look normal on her because she can stand. 

2 comes and she lets you put her in cute skirts, leggings, sweaters, your daughter looks adorable and people tell you so. 

Then she turns 3. She starts to have an opinion. No mommy I don't want to wear this. She decides she doesn't like jeans or anything with buttons. Strange but ok. 

Sweatpants are always her first choice, lovely. You can plea your case and talk her into almost anything. Except jeans. 

4. LOOK OUT! Getting dressed now involves tactical warfare.  A plan must be formed - the enemy must not know your true intentions - tiger like stealth is your only survival. 2 cups of coffee are required prior to attempting the dressing of miss "thang". 

Here are the steps:

1. Bait and Switch
You must offer choices, knowing full well that she WILL not select your first choice so make sure this is NOT what you intended her to wear.

2. Colors - "that doesn't match" this is my latest method to get her into something semi matching. 4 year olds don't quite understand stripes, polka dots, navy and lime green don't look that great together. 

3. Channel your inner Maverick
Once the outfit has been selected the dressing is like a fight scene from TopGun. "he went this, we went like that, I said to Hollywood where'd he go, Hollywood said, where'd who go?"

She jumps on the bed, I walk over-
she lays down, hides her legs-
I pull her legs out, she rolls over-
What the? Why do they act like we are going to chop their legs off? So annoying. Once you finally manage to get the clothes on you must brush her hair. Oh my dear lord - THIS IS TORTURE. For both mother and daughter.

Not a happy camper.

Picking out clothes this summer herself! 

She looks so sweet and innocent!

What Sydney would probably wear if I let her pick her clothes each day:

In all seriousness I love her - she makes me nuts - but I love her!

Enjoy your weekend!

Oh one more thing - please vote - I'm slipping! Please help me get into top 50 Mommy Blogs.
Click it, come on, you know you want to..

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Sep 1, 2011

Hopelessly addicted

It's not my fault. I didn't know anything about this and until she told me. I was living a normal life, well normal for me, and then she had to hook me. And isn't that how it always goes? Your minding your own business until someone says, psst, hey, check this out. Oh you like that? Yeah I knew you would. Crap!

I tried it out, I thought let me just check and see, maybe I won't even like it. Nope. After 5 minutes I was utterly addicted. I thought I was stronger than that? I thought I could withstand the pressure. Apparently not. Then - then! - to make matters worse there is an iPhone AP. Oh crap - now I'm up at all hours looking, searching....PINNING!

BF, or former BF because she did this to me, got me into pinning on Pinterest. Don't know what it is. STOP READING or please do not come back at me and say I got you hooked. Don't do it.

Pinterest is a virtual "pin" board - ideas, recipes, remodel projects, party ideas, weddings, kids... basically my life! You browse ideas and when you see something you like you "pin" it to your board. Then you can come back later and complete some projects. LOVE! For a mind like mine that DOES. NOT. REST. this is great! Like I said, I lay in bed and pin. Not cool. T says REALLY not cool. He is also not to happy that I now have about 35 projects that we MUST do for the house. And 3 day weekend coming up, SCORE! He is going to hate me.

Here are some of the pins I LOVE and hope to do around the house soon...

Happy Pinning!

Source: via Katie on Pinterest
Source: via Katie on Pinterest
Source: None via Katie on Pinterest

Aug 29, 2011

Weekend in pictures

We had a great weekend! Cousin Conor and Auntie Lynn came to visit from Chicago! We had a busy weekend playing at the park, out back, and the pool! Here some great pictures...

Saturday in the park:
Jack Jack down the slide.
Conor down the slide.
Jack must have gone down the slide no less than 25 times, thanks Pop Pop for helping each time. He was looking at a big dump truck driving by.

Hercules thinks he can move anything!

It's a speaker, I was talking to her from the
other side of the park!
We said, "Conor give the fox a kiss."
Diva in training.
The boys DID not want to pose for a picture.
We tried about 5 times!

Love him!

Jack actually stopping for a break! Whoa!
Love those boys. I wonder what they are thinking...

Playing in the backyard. Conor and Jack decide they both want to climb on the slide.

Wait! Where did Conor go?

Bad Jackson!

Swimming at the pool! Sydney is a fish!
Jack stays in the raft for about 35 seconds. Just after I snapped this pic he attempted to jump out. Thankfully MomMom was there to nab him. He is just a mover and a shaker, not really a relaxer!

Eating corn on the cob!

First Conor

Sydney ate 2!

Jack = not so much. He threw his to Cooper.

It was a great weekend! Can't wait for more time with our cousin CJB. Love you!


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