I have a problem. It started when Sydney was old enough to eat table foods. I am scared to death that my kids are going to choke. I know all Moms think about it, but I am completely terrified of it. Looking back I know I held back foods for Sydney to try because I was convinced she wouldn't chew it and choke. Even now, she is almost 4, and I say "take smaller bites. one at a time." So now that Jack is 11 months old we've been transitioning him into table foods. We had to hold back because of his swallow disorder but the doctors told us in January to go for it! So we did. And I freaked. Let me also tell you that Jack actually did choke, twice. Once when he was about 6 months. He was on the changing table and he started to have a coughing fit. He was attempting to clear his throat and just couldn't, before I knew it he was blue and I was pounding on his back. I of course called 911 and the ambulance was here in minutes. He was fine, he didn't require resuscitation. He took an ambulance ride to the hospital and we discovered he had Broncolitis and this began the real search for why he was so sick. Why did he choke? We didn't know it but because of his asthma his airway was completely swollen. He was attempting to clear his throat, like you do when you have a cold, and just choked on the mucus. Gross I know but it was so sad for the little guy. So that was episode #1, not food induced but enough to scare a mother forever! Choking episode #2 was about 5 weeks ago. I was feeding him a baby food that had carrots in it. He didn't chew a carrot and he began to choke. I pulled him out of the chair faster than a speeding bullet, whacked on his back and dislodged the carrot. Horrible. But you may be thinking, she did the right thing, she got the food out, he was fine. Right but, my fear is that I wouldn't get it, that maybe it goes one step further and we are faced with a truly serious situation. I wouldn't say that I'm an overprotective Mother, I'm just cautious. I see 5 steps into the future. Don't do that, please don't touch that, please be careful, please slow down...these are COMMON phrases I say daily. I can't help it, I don't want my kids hurt.Who does? So what does T think of my phobia? He understands but thinks I am a bit dramatic. Ah men, they didn't carry the babes for 9 months did they? But he is right. So I've been really really trying hard, for Jack's sake. I want him to learn, I want him to get through this. I know it's only a transition period as they learn how to chew, experience different textures, tastes, etc etc etc.
Here are the things Jack has mastered:
Gerber Puffs - LOVES them and a great food for this scared mommy.
Gerber crunchers.
Gerber Yogurt Bites.
Earth's Best crackers and honey sticks.
Egg noodles.
Scrambled eggs. (didn't like them)
Hamburger bits, just last night! Way to go Mom! and Jack I guess! ;)
Things I hope to try soon but I'm scared:
Stemmed veggies. I tried this, twice, but he didn't quite get it. It could have been the teeny tiny pieces I gave him.
Soft fruits.
So for each meal we put him in his chair, offer one of his mastered foods to self feed, and then supplement with a baby food stage 3, or yo-baby yogurt. I'm getting there. I don't want to keep buying baby foods. I just have to trust Jack and support him during this transition process.
Here are some pictures from Friday's lunch. Check out the teeny tiny pieces I offer. But hey he looks pretty happy.
Also, I'd love to hear how you got through the transition period. Any advice would be great!

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