

Jul 26, 2011

Founders Day!

1 year ago today Trent and I sat at the kitchen table discussing whether or not we should start our own construction company. He had been doing "side" jobs for years and we knew there was just something special there. We have a good start with a large remodel job from a good friend of his, Grant Street was our first real job. We sat there and talked about what it would be like, could we do it, should we do it, what if we fail? We talked about names, it had to be special and unique, it would need to speak to his skill and talents. Trent studied and passed the LEED certification test, forever giving him the title LEED AP BD+C, it's a big deal in the construction world! It allows him to build a green project, understanding sustainable materials, this is above and beyond a typical skill set for a GC. The future is green - so we knew GREEN would have to be in our title.

We talked and talked and talked and talked. I drank my coors and T - bless his heart- drank his GF beer. :) We talked about goals, projects, marketing, our kids, our parents, how we just wanted this SO bad! We knew and we could see our future, this was going to be it. We said 5 years. If we could get through the first year it would take 5 years for us to be standing alone. We went to bed that night with a goal, no name yet, but a goal.

My dad actually came up with the name. Sydney + Jackson = Sydson! Tada Sydson Green Construction was born! We registered our business and just continued doing what we were doing. Soon other jobs came along...

Steele Street

It's been 1 year and I would say not only did we survive but we are surpassing our wildest dreams. We are doing it! It's been tough, a lot of 7 day work weeks for Trent, nights and weekends alone with kids driving me nuts, stress, budgets, subs, deadlines, inspections, design ... but ... this is our passion.

A special thanks to our first year of dedicated clients. Without you I wouldn't be writing this. Thanks for believing in us, thanks for your support and patience. It wasn't always pretty but you trusted that at the end of the day your vision would be a reality. I hope you continue to support our little GC and help us grow.

Thank you to our parents. You helped when we needed and we value your support.

A HUGE thank you to T - you are SGC and without your constant hard work, dedication, TALENT, and personality we would not have survived. I love you and I know that you will continue to shine. Don't give up! I know the days are long, the sleep is futile, but it's all going to be worth it one day....soon.

We have a great pipeline of opportunity - including a few more home remodels and a couple of small business TIs. We just keep following the path that is being laid out for us and I truly hope that we are able to survive another year.

Oh! One more thing...

Today is also someones birthday! Someone very special to us!

We love you lu lu!!


Jul 25, 2011

T ball and gymnastics!

T Ball started earlier this summer but 1/3 of the season has been cancelled due to the daily thundershowers we've been getting this summer! Bummer! Sydney actually took to the sport very well - she was a little confused at first - how to hold a glove, throw the ball, throwing to first base.... But she hits very well and of course they all understand how to RUN! It's funny - after a ball is in play each kids parents are screaming to their child what to do. You hear a melody of

"go to first base" "get the ball" "run home"

"nice hit" "run to third" "go go go go go"

It's crazy! Luckily the kids just tune us out and seem to have fun. The games are 3 innings, each kid gets a turn to bat and then you change sides. The games should really only be 2 innings, by the 3rd all these 4 year olds are OVER IT!
* She is one of the only girls that will actually wear the hat! Such a tomboy! *
* Tapping home plate, yup that is a pink bat! *

* Doing her best to "field" *
* Is her checking her out? *
* She is C-U-T-E! *

Sydney's team is 7 girls and 1 boy! Which is really funny to me because her gymnastics class is 9 boys and 1 girl. Can someone say irony?

I signed her up for gymnastics 10 weeks ago and just extended her for a least 1 more month. We go to The Little Gym in Lone Tree - class name is Giggle Worms. It's been great for Sydney to burn off some energy and learn how to do new things. Her skills are really building and I know she'll be doing back handsprings soon! The teachers are really sweet and the weekly theme has been a fun way for the kids to engage. I don't have many pictures -- sorry.

So that is the latest for now. T ball wraps up next week, I ordered the team trophies and we will have a pizza party for them. Her first trophy, ahhhhhh! Next up soccer!


Jul 21, 2011

Driving cars!!

Don't you remember how fun it was to drive the cars at Disney World! T, Sydney, Rebecca and Allie waited the 40 min line in the blazing heat and humidity to give Sydney a taste of life behind the wheel! Check out the most adorable video below:

Taking her brother on a drive. How cute is Jack in the car!?! He looks like a little old man! These are the days that are just the best!!


Jul 20, 2011

Bad blogger, bad!

It's been hard to get around to blogging. We've been crazy ridiculous busy - just nuts! It seems like each day I wake up and go 100 mph until my head hits the pillow. Sydney has been involved in T Ball and gymnastics, Jack is growing leaps and bounds and never sits still, we took a 10 day vacation to Florida (pics coming soon) and oh yeah I work full time, as does T and we have our company on the side. See - nuts! So I apologize for not being a better blogger. But there is something else too, lately I've just been feeling "stuck". Nothing is going wrong, per say, but I just feel frustrated - like I'm waiting for things to happen. I hate that feeling. I've always been a go getter, make the news happen type of person. I think I feel this way because we have a problem that is beyond my control. Our car is really getting bad, many repairs are needing to happen that we just can't afford. We are trying to trade it in but the value they are offering is just criminal. So I feel really irritated, frustrated, and confused on what to do. All I want is a safe vehicle to drive the monsters, I mean children, around in. It doesn't have to have all the bells and whistles, although they are fancy now a days! So I think this issue is just really clouding my days. I hope we can work it out soon.

So I promise to get back to blogging on a regular basis. I have loads of FL pictures to share, Sydney is starting school soon and soccer and Jack is full of adventures!! Plus Amber and I will be producing loads of new baby goods.

Hope you find your way back to me....

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