

Aug 29, 2011

Weekend in pictures

We had a great weekend! Cousin Conor and Auntie Lynn came to visit from Chicago! We had a busy weekend playing at the park, out back, and the pool! Here some great pictures...

Saturday in the park:
Jack Jack down the slide.
Conor down the slide.
Jack must have gone down the slide no less than 25 times, thanks Pop Pop for helping each time. He was looking at a big dump truck driving by.

Hercules thinks he can move anything!

It's a speaker, I was talking to her from the
other side of the park!
We said, "Conor give the fox a kiss."
Diva in training.
The boys DID not want to pose for a picture.
We tried about 5 times!

Love him!

Jack actually stopping for a break! Whoa!
Love those boys. I wonder what they are thinking...

Playing in the backyard. Conor and Jack decide they both want to climb on the slide.

Wait! Where did Conor go?

Bad Jackson!

Swimming at the pool! Sydney is a fish!
Jack stays in the raft for about 35 seconds. Just after I snapped this pic he attempted to jump out. Thankfully MomMom was there to nab him. He is just a mover and a shaker, not really a relaxer!

Eating corn on the cob!

First Conor

Sydney ate 2!

Jack = not so much. He threw his to Cooper.

It was a great weekend! Can't wait for more time with our cousin CJB. Love you!


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