Welcome to my blog!! Yahoo! This is my first posting!!! You may be asking yourself, why is she blogging? What could she possibly have to say? Why should I be reading this? Well let me give you the scoop.
In 2010 I set a goal for myself to become a runner and complete the Denver 1/2 Marathon, 13.1 miles. Well, I did it! I now would consider myself an avid runner and hope to complete several races again this year. Ok, great, but why blog? Well I needed a new goal... I know lame right. With 2 kids, full time job, new start up company... I needed something for me. So again, why blog? I love the Internet. I am on facebook, I love etsy and shopping online, and I subscribe to many blogs. I love to read about people's lives, look at their pictures, hear about their struggles and hardships, celebrate in their successes. I am a sucker for good reality tv and this is basically the same thing! I find it amazing that people are willing to let strangers into their world, learn about their families, I am hooked! So I thought why not? Our family is nuts, listen it's just nuts! Our kids run as into the ground every day but you know what, I LOVE IT. T said (and I am establishing now that Trent will be T for all posts) "I feel like I wake up and we go 100 MPH until we crash at night." Yup. Thats about right. Our year was insane in 2010. We had Jack, started SGC, lost our beloved Murphy, T lost his job and found out he has Celiac - see nuts! We all have things that happen to us, we all have stories to share...
So my promise to you. I promise to post meaningful, funny, TRUE, insightful posts. I promise to include pictures and when possible videos. I promise not to rant and I promise I won't step on my soapbox too much. I am passionate and I hope this blog takes an organic structure. I hope I can create a following and I hope you enjoy what you read.
best -
Hello Kitty Party
5 days ago
Hi Katie, welcome to the blogging world. Your site looks great. Are you on Twitter? If not, you should be. It's a great way to connect with other bloggers.
Welcome to the blogosphere! Your blog looks AMAZING! It's so organized! Mine was a hot mess when I started, and yeah, it's uhm, still under 'construction.' So glad you hooked up w/ Kate -- she's incredible! Can't wait to see what you are up to!