Today Jack had his 3rd Modified Barium Swallow via Fluoroscopy. His appointment took place at the Children's Hospital campus in Aurora, Colorado. Every time we visit I am thankful that while Jack's issues are severe they are not life threatening. You truly experience a gut check with each moment you spend there. You see Children's hospital does not segregate the sick kids, you see it all, my heart breaks during the time we spend there. I pray for those babies and their families.
So, I had a good feeling about today. I put out the A.P.B. on FB and you all came through! Jack has been healthy, active, experimenting with new foods and I was praying we would be able to move past the beverage thickeners. Jack has been suffering from a condition called Pharyngeal dysphagia, when swallowing regular liquids a portion was slipping into his lungs. Bad bad bad. In January we had a re-check, fail. I wanted so badly for him to pass, he must pass - he will pass! I dressed him in his lucky Rockies baseball shirt (thanks mom mom and pop pop) and his lucky green coat (thanks cousin cjb) I was truly working the mojo today! We checked in at Radiology and Jack was enjoying the toys sans big sis.

I think he wanted to call Sydney to tell her about all the cool toys and huge fish tank.

Look Syd I drive! Nope you can't take it away from me, hahahaha!

Now in radiology with the fluoroscope machine. It's a pretty amazing piece of technology.

Jack sits here.

We hold him and "attempt" to feed him a bottle. The techs have mixed up liquids containing barium sulfate which contains radioactive solution. This allows us to see him swallow on a monitor live. It's essentially an open MRI.

This is the last picture I took because Jack had a melt down. He did not want to drink, he did not want to sit and he did not want anything to do with this procedure! ugh. The doctor is in the dark blue. Daddy is right in front of Jack attempting to give him the bottle. The next 15 minutes consisted of me holding Jack, sitting on the bench, trying to force down the solution via cup, straw, bottle, and spoon. When it was all said and done the barium was all over him and me.
1/2 Strength liquids - no aspiration, no pooling, no reflux, no laryngeal penetration. = PASS
Thin liquids - no aspiration, no pooling, no reflux, no laryngeal penetration. = PASS
Jack Jack man did it! What does this mean? We get to phase him off the thickeners, no cold turkey, and within the next month he will be on regular thin liquids! Yahoo! He'll actually be able to drink water, juice, milk, eat regularly! It's amazing!
Way to go buddy! We are so proud of you!