I was going to write a ThroatPunch Thursday in regards to the recent killing of 2 kids by their own mother here in Castle Rock. It has me deeply disturbed. But instead of regurgitating the hate and obvious psycho-ness (is that a word?) I'm going to share some love! Some skittle bug love! She hasn't had a post all about her so I thought - seems right.
Sydney, my little skittle bug! You light up a room, you are curious about life, you remember everything and you are just the most special part of my world. (next to J and T of course) Here are the deets on my favorite kid...
Favorite foods: mac n' cheese (duh) chicken of any kind, cucumbers, strawberries, pop tarts, Apple Juice, rice, the list goes on and on
Favorite games to play: babies, store, teacher, dance, art
Best quality: she is a little mommy
Funniest thing she ever said:
While at Nordstrom with a sister (not saying who) we were discussing a friend about to have twins and the possibility of her delivering "normally". The little parrot overheard what we were saying and blurted out loud in the shoe dept.
"you pass out when you poop!"
Favorite things to wear: anything but jeans :( she loves sweatpants, ugh.
Favorite sports: getting into soccer, t-ball and of course dance
Favorite shows: anything Disney
Loves her brother with all her heart.
Loves all dogs, Lucy, Cooper, Gus, and Lily.
Most amazing talent: can learn and remember something in about 5 minutes. Can work the TV, dvd player, ipod, and probably soon drive.
So as a continued tribute to my little love here are some good ones from the last 4 years...

What a grin!!! She's a beauty!!!