

Mar 16, 2011

Throat Punch Thursday: Sign Spinners

I've been reading Adventures in Mommywood and she cracks me up on a daily basis. She does a Throat Punch Thursday, and well I'm actually inspired to write one.

Sooooooo, this first edition of Throat Punch goes out to the creator of the most annoying distraction ever while driving your car - the sign spinner.

Don't know what I mean? I mean this guy:

I would love to round house, pile dive, and peoples elbow the inventor of this sick um "doo doo". AHHHHH. I'm sure this started as a marketing "risk", now the inventor of this virtual commercial is laughing all the way to the bank. Hmmm I wonder if a sign holder pointed him there?

But seriously there is a sign holder for everything, I'm not kidding. In the .5 miles we drive from the highway to our development there are 3 sign holders.

1. For the local mexican restaurant.
2. The local puppy mill, oops I mean Pet Shop.
3. The jewel in my crown, or thorn in my butt, Liberty Tax.

Oh yeah you know you've seen these DBs in their Statue of Liberty gowns. Our guy is going for employee of the freaking millennium. He waves, he points, he mimes, he smiles, he annoys the CRAP out of me.

Yesterday when we drove by I couldn't help it. I said, "oh my god I want to punch that guy in the face."

Forgetting the kids are in the car Sydney says.

"who? who do you want to punch mommy? that guy? that weird guy?"

So here is a gigantic throat punch to liberty tax.

Throat punch to sign spinners.

Throat punch with a side of roundhouse and an extra layer of whoop-ass to the inventor of sign spinners.


  1. I totally agree on the throat punch for sign shakers, they are annoying.


  2. hahaha! No kidding!!!

    And I love Carri-she rocks!

  3. OK HOW DID I JUST FIND THIS POST? I want to kick those sign spinners! But I hear they make like $15 an hour to just stand there all day! Talk about a good weekend gig!
    Seriously, promote TPT on Twitter. People love it. Debi is so awesome for doing it for us!


my peeps said

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