

Mar 31, 2011

Throat Punch Thursday: Celiac Disease is real you nimrod

Linking up again with The TRUTH about Motherhood and Adventures in Mommyhood for another edition of

Man I am so mad right now I'm going to attempt to get through this post without dropping an F bomb. (my blog just isn't ready for that yet)

There is a man that lives in Colorado named Damian J Cardone, a chef, a bastard. Damian? Your name is Damian? You've lived up to your namesake. What did this complete ass do? He posted on facebook that even though his diners requested a gluten free dish - he did not alter the ingredients. See the post here.

Damian, you ignorant twit, take a seat before you hurt yourself mmmm k?

Celiac Disease is real, your cooking abilities are not.
Celiac Disease is the real allergy to gluten.
Celiac Disease is a life long struggle for a body to break down nutrients found in wheat, barley and rye.

You think you are funny by preparing a meal with wheat and you think your diners were fine. Guess what you ass bag - continued exposure to glutens in a person affected by CD will, not maybe, will lead to intestinal cancer.

I'm glad you were able to leave your job in the underwear department at Walmart to become a Chef, I'm sure that was a great promotion for you. I'm glad you were able to type out sentences on FB since you apparently have no education. And I'm glad that you obviously don't have a life long disease that affects your everyday living, other than the ones you may be inflecting upon yourself.

Damian, I hate you. Go to hell.


  1. I completely agree. It scares the crapola out of me that someone will cook Klaw something outside of what he can eat (he has a fatty-acid oxidation disorder) WHICH COULD KILL HIM. Hell, people have heard of Celiac disease & they don't believe it exists. How is this jackass gonna handle a disorder most people have never even heard of???

  2. YAY! See.... doesn't Throat Punching someone make you feel so much better? Screw you, Damien. Your parents suck at giving names. Not to mention you're a f**king idiot.
    There. I dropped that (censored)f-bomb for you. :)

  3. My sister would have been sick for daaaays! She just found out that there is gluten in fudgesicles because there is malt in them. She had been eating them for about a month before she found out...yeah she was sick for about 6 weeks afterwards while it was all getting out of her system.

    My mom is gluten free as well & it has changed her health drastically!

    Needless to say I'm hating the guy you wrote about! Celiac is all over my family and this guy is scary!


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